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Me and OOAK Dolls

I have always painting, and doing simple figures from modeling clay. I have discovered ooak art by the Internet in 2010 and loved to do them.

OOAK Doll is a tiny peace of magical art. Each has a name, own style and uniqueness.Dolls are entirelly made by hands, from the polymer clay and decorated (wool, fabrics, and other materials). Dolls are about 12-25cm (4,5-10 inches) high. They are made with special attention for details – like hands and feet with nails, or small but three-dimensional eyes, painted skin with realistic wrinkles.

Creating polymer clay ooak dolls takes many days, it requires precision,patience, and knowledge of anatomy and many artistic techniques.


Care & Store


OOAK Dolls is a piece o magic in your home
Pure 100% handmade

Every doll comes from artist’s heart. Every dolls is unique and will be never duplicated.


How to store
Polymer Clay Dolls should be store in glass dome

They should be placed in a glass dome, and not exposed to intense sunlight, drastic changes of temperatures or cigarette smoke.



Fragile material
Polymer Clay Dolls are delicate

They should be carefully handled, they can break when you let them fall..


Not recommended for children to play
OOAK Doll is not a toy

They are very delicate and can break when fall. Have no mobile parts to play.



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How it is made?

100% handmade: no molds

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Gift Ideas

Handmade doll is a perfect idea for a gift for someone special

One of a kind sculpture is a perfect present for someone special. It can be delivered, packed as a present anywhere you wish.

Where to buy?

Dolls can be found on ebay.com. Newest auctions are here.

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